Saturday, December 28, 2013


Hi guys 

No I'm not dead! Sorry but as you know the holidays are always hectic so I had to get my priorities right and sadly you guys got put to the bottom of the list :( 

I recently realised I've been writing not only for other people but for all the wrong reasons and writing became a chore. I've also realised that this has been mirroring the way I run my life! I love writing and I love writing for me and I WOULD NEVER want to stop but at the moment it seems all the good stuff in my life has been pushed to one side while I was just left with all the crappy stuff! 

So come New Year it's a New Me!

And frankly I can't wait! 



Friday, December 13, 2013

Super Stocking Fillers

So stocking fillers ... always a tricky one ay? 

Well fear no more because I'm here to help! 

Nail Polishes  

Nail polishes are sure fire way to bring a smile to someone's face especially when your stuck for ideas. The above nail polishes range from £2.99 to £7.99 so you need not fear for the cost! 


Jewellery is another simple filler when you're in a jam! Prices are very flexible and the above range from £2.99 to £7.99 another great budget buy! 


These should be used as a last resort but on't be afraid of them! If you don't know the person that well or just don't know what they want then this can generally be the kindest thing to do. It saves any unwanted awkwardness or receiving of terrible gifts and this way they can get what they want! 


Thursday, December 5, 2013

How To Accept Presents

Whether it's socks, wooly mittens or a hand made jumper; we've all had those presents that, simply put are just dreadful. The worst bit is trying to hide your disappointment. 
You've just got to grin and bear it! 

#1 - Smiling

Smile too much and you look fake, smile too little and you look sad. The trick is to imagine something wonderful like meeting Susie Bubble or going into Selfridges and saying nonchalantly ' I'll have one of everything'. Once you're at that happy place then try and smile as naturally as possible ( smile with your eyes and look them in the eye)! 

#2 - Speech 

If you go 'Oh... wow... thanks' it's pretty obvious that your present isn't living up to expectations! So try and be natural and definitely NOT slow. You want to go ' WOW thank you this is just gorgeous, oh thank you so much' and then proceed to kiss them on the cheek and move on to the next gift! 

#3 - Body Language 

DO NOT slouch and DO NOT avoid eye contact! You want to be sitting up straightish as to appear natural and relaxed, facing slightly towards them showing you're engaging with them. Looking them in the eye will make you appear more open and to not be hiding anything! Don't exaggerate hand gestures as you will only come across as trying to hard! 


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Merry Christmas!


So I was thinking of what to post and then I realised ... I hadn't even wished you a Merry Christmas! So 
Merry Christmas! 
Christmas is so magical and I hope to portray this magical-ness through my blog so if at any point you're "feelin' the magic" comment below - magic . It sounds cheesy but hey I guess cheesy is my middle plus I've got a super surprise install for you guys so keeping reading! 


Monday, December 2, 2013

Style Session 5: Styling You


Style Session 5: Styling You 

So this is our last basic Style Session and I thought it would be good to finish off with tips on styling YOU and YOUR body. I only use capitals because I can't stress enough that you should dress for you; fashion is about making yourself happy, if you are not happy with what you are wearing then change it but not for someone else. Now this will not be our last Style Session only our last basic one as our future ones will be addressing specific things to style etc. So I'm just going to list some 'tips' for styling your body

  • #1 - As much as you need to embrace your body you also need to find that perfect part of your body and that not so perfect part. Being able to accept your body will make it SO much easier to be able to dress your body! 
  • #2 - Once you've found that perfect part of your body, SHOW IT OFF! If its your legs than wear  colourful tights or a shorter skirt, if it's your arms than maybe wear something with shorter sleeves. By bringing attention to the part of your body that you love then it draw attention away from the part you don't love so much! Win win! 
  • #3 - Patterns and prints are GREAT disguises for when you want to hide your body! Now I'm not encouraging hiding yourself away but we all have those days when we just want to hide! Wearing busy prints distracts the eye away from the wearer and to the fabric! 
Now I hope you enjoyed the last basic Style Session because from now on we will be talking specifics starting with tartan! 


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Merry Blogmas!!


Yes you read it right! I'm doing Blogmas here at Stylenomics!! I'm so excited to be able to blog everyday and hopefully after this you have a better insight into who I am! 
