Saturday, December 28, 2013


Hi guys 

No I'm not dead! Sorry but as you know the holidays are always hectic so I had to get my priorities right and sadly you guys got put to the bottom of the list :( 

I recently realised I've been writing not only for other people but for all the wrong reasons and writing became a chore. I've also realised that this has been mirroring the way I run my life! I love writing and I love writing for me and I WOULD NEVER want to stop but at the moment it seems all the good stuff in my life has been pushed to one side while I was just left with all the crappy stuff! 

So come New Year it's a New Me!

And frankly I can't wait! 



Friday, December 13, 2013

Super Stocking Fillers

So stocking fillers ... always a tricky one ay? 

Well fear no more because I'm here to help! 

Nail Polishes  

Nail polishes are sure fire way to bring a smile to someone's face especially when your stuck for ideas. The above nail polishes range from £2.99 to £7.99 so you need not fear for the cost! 


Jewellery is another simple filler when you're in a jam! Prices are very flexible and the above range from £2.99 to £7.99 another great budget buy! 


These should be used as a last resort but on't be afraid of them! If you don't know the person that well or just don't know what they want then this can generally be the kindest thing to do. It saves any unwanted awkwardness or receiving of terrible gifts and this way they can get what they want! 


Thursday, December 5, 2013

How To Accept Presents

Whether it's socks, wooly mittens or a hand made jumper; we've all had those presents that, simply put are just dreadful. The worst bit is trying to hide your disappointment. 
You've just got to grin and bear it! 

#1 - Smiling

Smile too much and you look fake, smile too little and you look sad. The trick is to imagine something wonderful like meeting Susie Bubble or going into Selfridges and saying nonchalantly ' I'll have one of everything'. Once you're at that happy place then try and smile as naturally as possible ( smile with your eyes and look them in the eye)! 

#2 - Speech 

If you go 'Oh... wow... thanks' it's pretty obvious that your present isn't living up to expectations! So try and be natural and definitely NOT slow. You want to go ' WOW thank you this is just gorgeous, oh thank you so much' and then proceed to kiss them on the cheek and move on to the next gift! 

#3 - Body Language 

DO NOT slouch and DO NOT avoid eye contact! You want to be sitting up straightish as to appear natural and relaxed, facing slightly towards them showing you're engaging with them. Looking them in the eye will make you appear more open and to not be hiding anything! Don't exaggerate hand gestures as you will only come across as trying to hard! 


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Merry Christmas!


So I was thinking of what to post and then I realised ... I hadn't even wished you a Merry Christmas! So 
Merry Christmas! 
Christmas is so magical and I hope to portray this magical-ness through my blog so if at any point you're "feelin' the magic" comment below - magic . It sounds cheesy but hey I guess cheesy is my middle plus I've got a super surprise install for you guys so keeping reading! 


Monday, December 2, 2013

Style Session 5: Styling You


Style Session 5: Styling You 

So this is our last basic Style Session and I thought it would be good to finish off with tips on styling YOU and YOUR body. I only use capitals because I can't stress enough that you should dress for you; fashion is about making yourself happy, if you are not happy with what you are wearing then change it but not for someone else. Now this will not be our last Style Session only our last basic one as our future ones will be addressing specific things to style etc. So I'm just going to list some 'tips' for styling your body

  • #1 - As much as you need to embrace your body you also need to find that perfect part of your body and that not so perfect part. Being able to accept your body will make it SO much easier to be able to dress your body! 
  • #2 - Once you've found that perfect part of your body, SHOW IT OFF! If its your legs than wear  colourful tights or a shorter skirt, if it's your arms than maybe wear something with shorter sleeves. By bringing attention to the part of your body that you love then it draw attention away from the part you don't love so much! Win win! 
  • #3 - Patterns and prints are GREAT disguises for when you want to hide your body! Now I'm not encouraging hiding yourself away but we all have those days when we just want to hide! Wearing busy prints distracts the eye away from the wearer and to the fabric! 
Now I hope you enjoyed the last basic Style Session because from now on we will be talking specifics starting with tartan! 


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Merry Blogmas!!


Yes you read it right! I'm doing Blogmas here at Stylenomics!! I'm so excited to be able to blog everyday and hopefully after this you have a better insight into who I am! 


Saturday, November 23, 2013


I am a feminist. Those are probably four words that most girls are scared to say. I only came to this conclusion a couple days ago although it had been playing on my mind for quite a while. Now if you are a proud feminist then I congratulate you but if you're not a feminist, why? Now don't get me wrong I'm not trying to force feminism on to you; but seriously, why? Why aren't you a feminist? 

The word feminism, the movement of feminism generally brings to mind the 60s, burning bras and man-hating. But feminism has evolved since then. Feminism is now about not being slut shamed (degrading or mocking women for being sexual), the fact that for every dollar a man makes in the US, a women makes 75 cents or that in certain places in the world we are not allowed to drive.

 Perhaps the reason why so many are scared to admit they are a feminist is because of the stereotypes surrounding it. The Oxford Dictionary defines feminism as 'the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes'. Wikipedia says 'Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women'.  For any who are slightly mind boggled at the moment here are 5 words that sum it up for you. 


That is all feminism is about. Many assume that feminism is about women wanting to be better than men, that they want to switch roles so to speak. It's not about being better, it's about being equal. It's not  that for every dollar a man makes we want to make 2, we just want to make 1 ... like them thus being EQUAL. 

Many feel that feminism is too strong for them ,it's too harsh, that it doesn't apply to them; but it does. In a 2008 poll 37% of women admitted to having experienced harassment in the workplace compared to the 7% of men who admitted to it as well. A lot of people think that harassment is being felt up or being made to feel uncomfortable due to words of sexual nature. Yes it's that but there's also a lot more. Once I had done some research on this it showed me how many of things I personally dismiss as 'banter' or a joke can class as harassment. Now I'm 14 and I go to school with mixed gender students aged 12-16. Yet even at such a young age I'm being faced with this. 

I got on the bus yesterday, ready to go home and as I sat down a Year 11 told me to put my leg up " 'cause it's sexy", the day before that the comment was made " do you want to come sit on my lap? My sausage wants to see you". Now I don't feel scared or worried by these comments or particularly offended because this type of thing generally washes over my head but I shouldn't have to deal with this because I am woman.  Yesterday in my R.E lesson, after spending an hour talking about racial equality and gender equality, two guys started making comments such as 'all women start wars, women belong in the kitchen, back in the old days husband would beat their wives, we still should.' These are HIGHLY offensive comments and they riled all of the four girls, including me, sitting at our table. In fact we weren't just angry, we were disgusted. Yet other girls found it funny. They were actually laughing at the 'debate' we were having. And this disgusted me even more; because we weren't trying to defend us personally, we were defending all women. 
This is why feminism exists because there are too many men and women who find equal rights for women a joke. 

A lot of people today argue that feminism does not apply in  today's generation. That women are allowed to wear trousers, drive and work. Yes, they are and this is all a result of women standing up for themselves, this is a result of feminism. People say that the genders are equal yet British women on average make 15% less than their male colleagues and that the pay gap, that so many say is so small, is actually on average £10,060. That doesn't seem small, that seems extreme. But when I defend my rights as a woman and say that out loud I'm the extreme one. Women deserve to be treated better. If a guy makes a rude comment to me he is just joking or 'being a boy' yet just think what would be said if , as a woman, I went round stroking guy's thighs and telling them how much I know they want it. I would not only be viewed as disgusting there would be serious consequences but if I was man then it's totally fine. 

Well I'm saying it's NOT! I'm saying NO! I'm sick of living in a society where one of the biggest insults in school is being called a girl. I've had enough of hearing about how women were raped and then either told they were lying or that it was their fault. Just because I'm a woman it doesn't mean I can be trampled on. It doesn't mean I should earn less than a guy doing the same job. And it definitely does not mean that I should be called extreme for defending myself.

We live in a society where being a woman is a downfall. And it shouldn't be. All feminists want is to be EQUAL. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

This Week's Obsession


Now I'm not an obsessive person but I'm surely not the only person who tends to obsess when they find something they love. So for every week now I will be telling you guys my weekly obsession. 

So this week's obsession is ....(drumroll please) 

The Carrie Diaries 

Yes it's American and yes I've only just found it but I JUST CAN'T STOP WATCHING! I just love how it's set in the 80s yet has modern actors in it. Plus their lifestyle... urghhh it's so fabulous. (hahaha) 
I recommend it to all who love real-life-esque chick flicks. ;) I can't help but watch 3 or 4 episodes a night; it's literally an addiction! 

So this was short but hey! It was the first one :) 


Monday, November 18, 2013

Style Session 4: Layering


So for our next basic Style Session 4 it's ......

Now this is going to be less of a step by step and more of just a brief thing because layering is quite simple but I thought it would be good to cover it as a basic. 

So with layering although everything compliments one another but stills has it's own spotlight. So for example necklaces, what you definitely DO NOT want to do is take 3 necklaces of the same length and then wear them at the same time! NO! You want to take 3 DIFFERENT lengthed necklaces so that although they may all compliment one another but they won't be all clumped together; instead you will be able to see each one. 

This also goes for items of clothing such as wearing a plain top, short scarf and then a jacket so that nothing is over crowded and you are still able to admire each piece.  

So that's layering sorry if you find this post a little on the shorter side but I didn't want to drag this post out. 


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Stressin' Much?



I recently handed in a Physics Project that I'd been working on for the past 2 weeks. And the relief I felt when I took it into the classroom was indescribable. It felt like every weight on my shoulders was gone and I was floating on a cloud! But we all know that the 'weight' and 'relief' was simply put,

If you've never been stressed then you're lying. Now stress is basically pressure; the thing being that every time we get pressured into doing something or given a deadline it simply adds to our stress. Now don't get me wrong a little stress is well a-ok because I find that that little bit of stress keeps me on my toes just enough so that I'm not wasting my life away on the sofa or in bed or on the internet... 

So basically some stress is good and some stress is bad in fact all stress is good but it's only when it piles up to this mega heap that can easily reduce you to tears, that you know you are WAY TOO stressed and simply put ... need a break. 

Now as a 14 year old stress has become part of my daily routine; simply because I have so much going on. The worst part being that everything I do now is creating my future because Year 10 = GCSEs = STRESS! So if you're 14 or 15 then you're not alone. Now I'm not typing to simply tell you how too much stress is bad blah blah ... I'm here to tell you how I deal with it so instead of having MEGA stress, I have mini stress! 

1: Prioritise 

This basically means sorting out out the important stuff from the not so important i.e Downton Abbey = not so important (you can watch it on ITV Player whenever you want), geography paper due next week = IMPORTANT!
Now you may be thinking but you would have a week to do that paper which brings us on to the second point...

2: Scheduling 

If a paper is due next week do it today! The easiest way to schedule things is to do them as they come i.e maths h/w = received Monday - done Monday ! Now just by scheduling and prioritising does not mean you going to have uber amounts of time to chill, sometimes you are going to sacrifice chill time for the greater good. SO start thinking of the bigger picture - so you might spend three hours doing homework tonight but it means tomorrow or the day after that you might have to do an hour max.! Now I'm just telling you how I schedule my chill time and studying etc. but feel free to do it any way that works best!

3: Keeping Track

Now I'm one for lists; I absolutely LOVE lists! They help me keep on track and stay organised with what needs to be done. Now although I recommend lists, there also things  like whiteboards, notice boards, planners etc. that do wonders for staying on track with everything! This bit is all down to personal choice so you might have to attempt a few things before you find what works best!

Now I know this was quite short but when addressing such a MEGA topic like stress it can be easy to go on and on and on and on and ........ You get the picture. Now if you feel I should do another post about stress then feel free to email me or comment below!


Monday, November 11, 2013

Style Session 3: Mixing Patterns & Prints


Just to clarify - prints and patterns = same thing!  
So mixing patterns can be an uber difficult thing! That is why I thought that I'd include it as a basic Style Session because once you know how to it's easy peasy! 

Step 1: Pick Your First Pattern

Now if you haven't already read Style Session 2: Piecing An Outfit Together then you should before you read this because we will be referring to it through out this post! 

So now that's out of the way let's get cracking! 

Now instead of focal points we're going to be talking patterns. So you need to choose the first pattern as the boldest. This needs to be the one that the eye is instantly drawn to. And preferably you're going to want one with quite a few different colours. 

Step 2: Compliment 

We now want to get other patterned pieces in complimenting colours. Now this is why you need a focal pattern with plenty of colour. So the best way to compliment the focal point is by picking out colours from the focal piece and use them to not only compliment the focal piece but by also subtly making the focal piece POP just that little bit more. 

It's also good to alternate by taking some staple pieces in the colours involved in the focal piece - but this time in plain, for example you might have a patterned shirt, print trousers and a plain blazer - this way you won't be making the whole outfit TOO busy but it will still look UBER effective! 

Step 3: Accessorise 

Ok so now time to accessorise now this time you're going to want to pick the more MINOR colours out of your focal piece; you don't want to over-accessorise so just go for simple pieces such as a bangle or coloured watch or maybe some statement earrings but not TOO MUCH! 

And now you're outfit is complete! 


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blog Lovin 😄

Yep we got Blog Lovin! 

For all who are still in the dark, Blog Lovin is a website that let's you read all your favourite blogs all in one place! My dear friend, Grace ( introduced me to this just this morning when she mentioned it and I am SO glad she did! 
So thank you Grace for opening my eyes to Blog Lovin!
So sign up now, to be able to always get the latest Stylenomics news! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Style Session 2: Piecing An Outfit Together


So piecing an outfit together. I thought it only right to include this in the beginner Style Sessions as this is a key part of fashion, style and Stylenomics. Many will give you different answers to the question : how do you piece an outfit together? 

Well , I'm going to tell you the most simplest ways, because that is the whole point of these first few sessions; covering the simple basics so that way we have a solid foundation to build on! 😌 

So let's get cracking! 

Step 1: Choose A Focal Point 

The best way to build an outfit is to build around one piece. It's always easier if the focal point is part of the base layer such as statement trousers, a printed top or a colourful blazer. It's always better if the focal point is somewhat of a stand out piece because trying to make the eye instantly go to beige is a very difficult feat! 

Step 2: Building Around 

Now you have chosen your focal point, it's time to build around it. Now this is where your staple pieces come in; where you add the nice fitting blue jeans and the simple, long-sleeved top.  You want the focus to be the focal point so you don't want anything that would steal 'the spotlight' off the focal point; which would defeat the whole point. 

Step 3: Accessorise 

Now accessorising can go one of two ways; you can either pick subtle pieces that compliment the outfit as a whole or pick out colours from your 'statement piece' or 'focal point' and then use those colours for statement jewellery pieces that catch the eye but still compliment the outfit. 

So there you have it; the second instalment of Style Sessions, 
I hope you enjoyed it and the next Session will be : 
Mixing Patterns & Prints 


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Let's Get Personal! 😏

So I've only just came to realise how this blog isn't very personal; infact so far it's been ,in my eyes, quite professional ... ish. So I thought I'd answer a few questions that you'd asked me in the past , within a short paragraph! 

I use a MacBook Pro 10.8.5 and an iPhone 4s/ iPad 3 to take photos. I'm 14 years old and my birthday is January! I have uploaded videos on my YouTube channel which is called stylenomics99. 
I have a cat called Baby and  
that's all I'm saying ... for now! 

I will now try to be posting a personal post every other day! 


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Style Session 1: Finding Your Style


Ok so finding your style. This is a huge topic in which there are many 
answers to the infamous question, how do I know what my style is? 
Now don't get me wrong I'm not one for labels ; I'm perfectly happy to answer the question with 'well you know grunge but not total grunge, nerdy but not total prep, feminine but not girly' and so on, because truth be told my style changes with my moods which change with the weather (joking). But it's always nice to be prepared when the shop assistant asks 'so what are you looking for? What's your style?' because having an answer makes shopping so much more simple! 

So there are a lot of ways to go about this but I'm going to tell you probably the easiest (and my favourite) way to do it!

Step 1

Take your clothes and first sort them into colours. Now we are not talking about that multi cloured sweater you Grandma sent you that you've never worn. We are talking about the clothes that you wear on a regular basis, those staples that you wear regularly and just can not live without! 

Step 2

Now that you've seen the colours and the general jist of what colours you wear the most. You are now going to need to borrow a friend for this part ; because we're not searching for a label but for a simple, three word description. Such as 'vibrant,busy,colourful' which immediately brings to mind multi-coloured, mixed patterns with lots of accessories where as 'clean,modern,simple' conjures up images of simple items with minimum accessorising in very neutral colours'. See how effective those three words are at describing your style? So you're going to use your friend's opinion first and see what they think. 

Step 3

Now almost using your friend's description you are now going to describe your style using three words which you will now be able to use as your inspiration for your own three words. After describing your style yourself you should have decided on your three words. Congratulations! That is your style!


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

MakeOver Time!


Stylenomics has had a makeover. 
Yes I am a still a fashioneer of stylenomics ;) and you are too! 

I just thought things were looking too crowded and frankly a little bit childish so I 
decided to minimalise and simplify! I thought this looked A LOT better and a lot more 'professional'! 
Stylenomics is going to get a lot more organised and I will be chucking out posts more frequently and consistently! Starting with Stylenomics Sessions twice a week ! 

Good bye Fashioneers 


Sunday, October 13, 2013



Yes I got YouTube! 
Now I have had YouTube in the past but this time I'm gonna stick to it! 
Now you might call me a teaser but I'm not going to give away my YouTube name just yet
I will keep you posted and I will tell you 



Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fall Favourites!

Yes Autumn is here! It is finally October and let's just hope the weather starts to cool down! So now that is officially Autumn I thought I'd share with you my 'Fall Favourites'! Things I'm looking forward to using etc. now that it's Autumn so let's get started! 



Yes candles! I love candles soo much and I love how they had to the entire atmosphere of a room, making it feel so cosy and warm. Now my ultimate favourite are Yankee Candles, purely for their range of scents and and how long they last, but I know how they can totally blow someone budget and that's not exactly what this blog is about. But don't worry I've been able to find some cheaper and more realistic options!  

Ikea Tindra / 36 pack - £1.50  

Dark(er) Colours 

Rimmel 93 Black Cherries 

I love this nail colour so much! It dries quick and I find the pearlised finish to look gorgeous as it starts to get colder! 

Maybelline Cherry Me 

Now this isn't really that dark but it's definitely darker than my usual choice of colour. This is great for school because how quick and easy it is to apply! It gives such a nice tint to your lips deep, pinky, cherry colour! Highly recommended! 


Revlon 505 Decadent

Now for eyes instead of going darker, I like to go warmer choosing more natural brown, orange and gold hues for the lids and then pairing them off with a deeper lip. I like this palette especially because the colour pay off is quite sheer meaning you can go subtle or build it up for a bolder look! 

So there you go! My Fall Favourites! Hope you enjoyed and I'll speak to you soon!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer Beauty Essentials


Now let's just lay it on the table : 

British Summer Don't Start Till July 


So obviously your makeup routine changes with the season. Now these are mostly things that are just plain common sense but now I've found what products work best for me and I'm ready to share! So let's get started!! 

1. BB Cream 
Now I don't know about you but come summer I like to be applying something a little lighter on my face other than foundation. Now I just LOVE the feel of this on my skin, it's like milk! Now I have to admit the shades can be very awkward as there is only four shades - Light, Medium, Dark and Universal Glow. So it can be pretty difficult finding your match but lucky for me I'm fair. It's all a good price for only £7.99. And it will last for ages as a little goes a long way! 

2.Dry Shampoo 

Me and dry shampoo have a special relationship ... it's basically my saviour! The other day I was in Superdrug looking for some dry shampoo and there I saw my usual Batiste, then I saw the price £2.99! Now I don't know about you but I don't like to waste money so when I saw a 2 for 1 deal on Superdrug's own I had to try it for only £1.99. Now it's only £1 but that's a pound more towards new shoes! This product really surprised me it worked really well and smelt delightful! 

 3.Waterproof Mascara 

You may not be having water fights everyday or facing the rain but you still need a decent mascara, for the sweat and the tears of laughter! Now I've tried a few in the past and have many bad memories but now I've found one that I actually STRUGGLE to get off! Now you can decide for yourself if that's good or not but for me personally this the best! 

So I tried to keep it short and sweet for my first post and I hoped you enjoyed it! 
Hope to speak to you soon fashioneers!