Thursday, November 21, 2013

This Week's Obsession


Now I'm not an obsessive person but I'm surely not the only person who tends to obsess when they find something they love. So for every week now I will be telling you guys my weekly obsession. 

So this week's obsession is ....(drumroll please) 

The Carrie Diaries 

Yes it's American and yes I've only just found it but I JUST CAN'T STOP WATCHING! I just love how it's set in the 80s yet has modern actors in it. Plus their lifestyle... urghhh it's so fabulous. (hahaha) 
I recommend it to all who love real-life-esque chick flicks. ;) I can't help but watch 3 or 4 episodes a night; it's literally an addiction! 

So this was short but hey! It was the first one :) 


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