Thursday, November 14, 2013

Stressin' Much?



I recently handed in a Physics Project that I'd been working on for the past 2 weeks. And the relief I felt when I took it into the classroom was indescribable. It felt like every weight on my shoulders was gone and I was floating on a cloud! But we all know that the 'weight' and 'relief' was simply put,

If you've never been stressed then you're lying. Now stress is basically pressure; the thing being that every time we get pressured into doing something or given a deadline it simply adds to our stress. Now don't get me wrong a little stress is well a-ok because I find that that little bit of stress keeps me on my toes just enough so that I'm not wasting my life away on the sofa or in bed or on the internet... 

So basically some stress is good and some stress is bad in fact all stress is good but it's only when it piles up to this mega heap that can easily reduce you to tears, that you know you are WAY TOO stressed and simply put ... need a break. 

Now as a 14 year old stress has become part of my daily routine; simply because I have so much going on. The worst part being that everything I do now is creating my future because Year 10 = GCSEs = STRESS! So if you're 14 or 15 then you're not alone. Now I'm not typing to simply tell you how too much stress is bad blah blah ... I'm here to tell you how I deal with it so instead of having MEGA stress, I have mini stress! 

1: Prioritise 

This basically means sorting out out the important stuff from the not so important i.e Downton Abbey = not so important (you can watch it on ITV Player whenever you want), geography paper due next week = IMPORTANT!
Now you may be thinking but you would have a week to do that paper which brings us on to the second point...

2: Scheduling 

If a paper is due next week do it today! The easiest way to schedule things is to do them as they come i.e maths h/w = received Monday - done Monday ! Now just by scheduling and prioritising does not mean you going to have uber amounts of time to chill, sometimes you are going to sacrifice chill time for the greater good. SO start thinking of the bigger picture - so you might spend three hours doing homework tonight but it means tomorrow or the day after that you might have to do an hour max.! Now I'm just telling you how I schedule my chill time and studying etc. but feel free to do it any way that works best!

3: Keeping Track

Now I'm one for lists; I absolutely LOVE lists! They help me keep on track and stay organised with what needs to be done. Now although I recommend lists, there also things  like whiteboards, notice boards, planners etc. that do wonders for staying on track with everything! This bit is all down to personal choice so you might have to attempt a few things before you find what works best!

Now I know this was quite short but when addressing such a MEGA topic like stress it can be easy to go on and on and on and on and ........ You get the picture. Now if you feel I should do another post about stress then feel free to email me or comment below!


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