Thursday, January 16, 2014

☺︎ Beating The Blues! ☺︎


It's January and we're all a little depressed. The festivities are finished, we all feel fat and we've resumed our 6am wakeup call. So how do we get ourselves out of this MEGA rut? Well I find it easier to pick myself up when I've got a challenge or a goal to achieve - but that's just me. You know how you feel in the holidays when you have no deadlines or timetables and you start to become a bit ... listless? 

Well the only way to beat that is to set goals, to challenge yourself so you have a reason to wake up in the morning! Now I know you're all thinking "but I've just made my NY's Resolutions. Why do I need to make MORE goals?" The answer is that we all have a tendency to make absolutely RIDICULOUS and very generalised goals; get fit, eat healthier, work harder etc. And because of this we can never achieve them because they're so general and not specific enough for our day to day lives! We all need to start making S.M.A.R.T goals! 


S.M.A.R.T goals are easier to achieve because of the above; because they are tailored to YOU you'll find it a lot easier to achieve! 


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