Thursday, January 16, 2014

This Week's Obsession



It feels so good to be doing another one of these posts especially considering how it has been an ETERNITY since my last one! However back on to topic!

This week's obsession is the american ABC T.V series - Pretty Little Liars! Once I was up to date with The Carrie Diaries I was at a complete loss! I now had to wait a week before the next episode(I know unheard of right?) Then by chance I stumbled upon this; now I wasn't a complete PLL virgin, sure I'd read every article Seventeen had ever done on it and I'd seen the ads but it all just seemed like just another american teen drama - little did I know. 

The show is based upon how a year after a tight-knit group girls lost their leader (Alison - who mysteriously disappeared)her body turns up, but then they start getting strange texts and emails from a mysterious 'A' (see the connection?) and then plot just gets stranger and scarier from there! 


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